Thursday, 15 December 2011


When using books to help you research a topic or subject, you can either go to the libairy, and find a book or you can go on the internet to Google Books and find one on-line. this can be useful as you have a wide range of books with different information, so you can get a variety of opinions and facts. For the on-line option all you have to do is go to Google and click on books, then type in the type of book or the name and look through the suggestions.
When I was doing my research for technology magazines I found a book that was really helpful with codes and conventions of technology magazines, and some examples or them.


  • Wide range of different books 
  • Each book will say something different about a topic 
  • They last long 
  • They can be moved around easily (portable)

  • They can get boring
  • The information stays the same it doesn't get updated 
  • Takes long to find the exact information that you need
I will use books a little bit in my secondary research, as I have to show I can use a wide range of sources and it will give me a different information than the internet because it is much more formal, and more complicated, and I can read more into the subject. 

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